Factory direct sales 1-300T turning type trackless electric flatbed cars
Factory direct sales 1-300T turning type trackless electric flatbed cars
BWP 1-300T turning type trackless electric flatbed cars is composed of frame, battery, DC motor, reducer, rubberized wheel and electric control control system. The flat car runs through the power supply provided by the battery and then controls the DC motor by the control system, thus achieving all the flat cars. Features. BWP trackless electric flat car is a running equipment that can run on the ground. The battery is powered by the power supply. The wheels are made of polyurethane rubber and cast steel inner core material, which can walk freely on the cement floor.
The 1-300T turning type trackless electric flatbed cars does not need to be installed with rails, and the ground is arbitrarily walked. The trackless rubber wheels have a slightly higher requirement on the ground, but the cement floor or the steel plate floor. The1-300T turning type trackless electric flatbed cars has flexible turning and can realize a static 360 degree rotation with a small turning radius.